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For over 65 years, The Arc Upper Valley has been at the forefront of preserving and protecting the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Through advocacy and action The Arc has addressed issues such as civil and human rights, education, employment, health care, housing, transportation, and more, that are critical to the disability community.  By joining The Arc Upper Valley, you are supporting the important work that is happening locally in the Grand Forks region, and you are helping to make The Arc's voice more powerful at the local, state, and national levels.  Achieve with us and join The Arc Upper Valley today.


As a member of The Arc Upper Valley, your annual support will make our advocacy more powerful.  Benefits include:

  • Complimentary membership with The Arc of North Dakota and The Arc of the United States; ​

  • Access to individual advocacy services, family supports, activities and events;​

  • Access to the latest information, including newsletters, publications, and relevant information from local, state and national chapters;

  • Voting privileges at meetings and opportunities to attend membership and stakeholders meetings;​​

  • Representation in local, national, and state policy forums; ​

  • 10% off purchases at The Arc Thrift Store with proof of membership using membership card;

  • Other privileges and responsibilities can be found in the by-laws of the organization, which are available upon request.

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Self-Advocate/Student $10
People with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and students may purchase an individual membership for a discounted rate.  
Individual $30
Receives one (1) membership card, which can be used for discounts at The Arc Thrift Store. One (1) vote at meetings of the membership. Additional benefits as listed above.

Family $50
Receives two (2) membership cards, which can be used for discounts at The Arc Thrift Store.  Two (2) votes at meetings of the membership.  Additional benefits as listed above.


Businesses have a unique opportunity to expand their reach and outcomes by mobilizing their employees, and when applicable boards and volunteers, to engage with community partners in meaningful ways.  Supporting The Arc Upper Valley is a cost-effective and powerful way to connect with the broader disability sector. 

By becoming a member of The Arc Upper Valley, your organization will have the opportunity to o
btain comprehensive and timely information and education on disability-related topics. You will receive techincal assistance to better engage in public policy advocacy and legislative education with local, state, and federal officials.  And you will learn how to actively create spaces for people with disabilities to participate in all aspects of community life.

Friend $150
Receives two (2) membership cards, which can be used for discounts at The Arc Thrift Store.  Two (2) votes at meetings of the membership.  Additional benefits as listed above.

Advocate $500
Receives Friend level benefits and the following. A total of five (5) discount cards for the thrift store. Your company name and link on our website as a thank you for your partnership and support.

Supporter $1500
Receives Friend and Advocate level benefits and the following. A total of ten (10) discount cards for the thrift store.  1/4 page add once per year in The Arc Upper Valley publications.

Leader $3000
Receives Friend, Advocate, and Supporter level benefits and the following.  A total of fifteen (15) discount cards for the thrift store.  A total of two (2) 1/4 pages adds or one (1) 1/2 page ad once per year in The Arc Upper Valley publications.


The Arc Upper Valley & Thrift Store | 1200 South Washington Street | Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 | (701) 772-6191​


Disclosure Statement:  The Arc, Upper Valley is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, donations to which are tax deductible to the fullest extend allowed by law on all soliciations.  A copy of The Arc, Upper Valley's last financial statement may be obtained by contacting the organization.  In accordance with the North Dakota Charitable Gaming Code, the organizations gaming information will be made available for review upon request.

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